If the bet pays out when the buyer of the derivative is worse off, we call it insurance. 如果衍生品购买者的境况变差,押注者能够得到回报,我们称之为保险。
Base on this distribution model, the article infers the differential equation of derivative security whose basic stock's distribution is mixed process, the pricing model of European Call Option. 基于这个分布模型,在第四章文章进而推出了标的股票价格服从混合分布的衍生证券价格所服从的偏微分方程。
As a newly developed derivative, convertible bond is characterized by its high value of call option and low value of investment risks, which is not fully understood by Chinese investors yet. 可转换公司债券在中国证券市场上还是一种新兴的衍生金融工具,中国的部分投资者尚未充分认识其看涨期权价值空间的广阔性及其投资风险的有限性。